Terima berita mengejut call from Masrina GXIXG this morning..one of my GXIXG Fezan aka Jan GXIXG was accident kat Jalan Yup Kwan Seng by motorcycle..time ni dia nak pi keje...aku terima call dah duk menangis ni...aku call ayah aku tlg bgtau parents dia..coz she's also my neighbourhood...then apalagi terus sms all my geng GXIXG to inform this accident...isk isk sedih ni...please pray for her okey...new updates from her sister, Nina ..so far dia stabil cuma keadaan badan, tulang dia sakit2..sebab dia jatuh dari motor secara berguling2..aduh sakitnya badan ...nasib no injured..tapi tak tau condition dalaman..sedih giler..waaa...mak sayang giler kawan mak ni.....semoga tak ada apa2...now she's in Wad Kecemasan, HKL...hope she' fine fine...sedih ni berair mata tulis blog..."KAWAN KETAWA SENANG CARI KAWAN MENANGIS SUSAH NAK CARI" thats why i love her....
*pic together with my beloved Jan....love u girl ..

P.S : GXIXG, nak melawat calling2 aku yer..plzz
alahai sian ekk nok..aku turut simpati...mau mereng otak aku jap kang gelak jap kang sedeh bace blog ko hah...apo pun aku doakan kawanko selamat semua ehhh...
kim salam kat Jan yea.. akak doa dia cepat sembuh.. nanti update keadaan dia...
get well soon tuk kawan ko mimy..!!
hmm..sama2 la kita doakan kawan ko tu selamat yerk! dah.. jgn sedey2 nangis2 lagi..dah bengkak mate aku tengok tuh!
hopefully she'll have a speedy recovery.. insya allah..
Ms AiReEn MoHd, Annaster, daela, kella, dillazag : thanks for concerning & supporting..so far she's fine..recovering herself...good condition..will updates soon
hurm baru sempat nak menjengah.Sib baik dia ok kan. Wish her speedy recovery.
Emynz : syukur ar dah ok..HKL wad penuh beb gara2 H1N1...jadi dia kena rest kt umah..its better la kot
adess...cian kwn kak mimi...xpe2 kite doakn semoga die cpt sembuh :)
ko jgn sedih2 kak...nnti kwn ko lg sedih...saba k :)
Ara : TQ dik ara..dh bersabar ni..cool
siannyer..ishkkk...semoga cepat sembuh...Amin..
Faizah_Haris : amin...thanks ya beb
hope ur fren will recover soon, aminn..btw, i lg sukaaa ur style la bebeh! very d vouge okey ;)
MeL : thanks babe..mak debab vogue je..hihi
mie, is she all rite? tried calling her but to no avail, is she suffering from any serious injuries? yap kwan seng tu mmg la depan ofis aku but i know nothing bout the accident? can i get more details pls? and if u happen to see her, could u please ask her to go for regular check up? takut ada any internal bleeding whatsoever..Na'uzubillah! send my regards to her jugak..
puteri intan : i heard from her sister, Nina that she's fine & well..yesterday i couldn't make it to visit her..bzz maaa..i try by myself to visit her by tonote..keep updates to u k...cheers..
alhamdulillah...nsib baik die ok..xparah...get well soon kak ezan!!take enough rest k...ati2 bwa moto pasni...
eKiN : aku tak sempat nk nengok lg ni
Dear all..
i la pesakit nyer...
skrg ni luka2 dah kering tp badan dah start sengal2...
arini baru pas mengurut badan....
masalah skrg kaki ku bengkak smp ke betis, mcm kaki org nk bsalin dah..ehehhe tp mmg sakit beb....
neway, thank u for all d wishes..
mudah2 cepat hilang sakit2 ni..
4 my best frens limy d vouge... love u toooo..muahhhh
jan GxixG
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